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This week!

littleboy/littleman opens at the Carlotta Festival of New Plays at the Yale School of Drama.

It will be a very short run of 4 performances. If you're in the northeast area, please make your way over and come see what me and my siblings have been up to for the last 4 years. Here is a flyer with the full schedule of shows and dates.

The performances for littleboy/littleman are on:

MAY 4th at 8PM

MAY 7th at 2PM

MAY 8th at 8PM

MAY 11th at 8PM

A synopsis of my play, littleboy/littleman, is below:

Fíto and Bastian, Two Nicaraguan brothers, find themselves at odds when their views and dreams collide. At the expense of their relationship, both make life-changing decisions that put the pursuit of their American Dream and their future in peril. Alongside poetry and a rhythmic drive, we are invited into a space where live music, ritual, and reality intertwine in this fable about the bond between brothers.

It is Directed by Jacob Basri

Performed by Andhy Mendez & Marlon Vargas

Dramatruges Lily Haje & Faith Marie-Zamble

Musicians Jorge Banuelos & Jaylon Jamal (JJ)

Come say hi!


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